Senior Citizen Center
The Depot: Lexington's Senior Citizen Center
Dining Room at Depot
Available for rentals on weekends -- the dining area
Dining Room at Depot
Dining area at depot available for rentals on weekends and some weekdays
Picnic outside at Depot
Picnic tables are available for resting while biking or also use for rental at the Depot

Lexington Senior Civic Center

Constructed in 1943, the Lexington Senior Center was originally a B & O Railroad Depot that serviced the Lexington area. The Center is an excellent gathering place for seniors throughout Richland and neighboring counties.  For questions about older adult services we are your connection. If you have questions about aging related issues, programs and services for seniors give us a call. If you know of someone who could use our services, please refer them to us. 419-884-1676.

Public meals are served on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:00AM. until 1:00 PM.  The cost is $9.00 per meal which includes the entree, salad, dessert and drink.   Come and join us anytime or give us a call. 419-884-1676.  Look for our newsletters on this website for a complete listing of menu for lunches served. 

Fair Housing Training Material Fair Housing Training Material
Fair Housing Training Material Fair Housing Training Material
Fair Housing Training Material Fair Housing Training Material

Mission Statement

The Lexington Senior Civic Center assists Richland and surrounding counties to help and support all seniors and residents.  Our mission is to provide services, information & resources, and opportunities for every senior and their community to enrich their lives through recreational, social, and health/wellness services.  The Center serves lunch Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11 am till 1 pm for all age groups. 

Entertainment, Activities, and Speakers

Activities, Entertainment, & Speakers  at the senior center:

Evening Euchre sessions are available Wednesdays [except 2nd Wednesdays - meeting at depot on second Tuesday instead] at 6:00 p.m.  Please call 419-884-1676 for more information.

Bingo is every Tuesday & Thursday.  Play a rousing 16 games of Bingo
from 1:00 p.m. till approximately 3:30 p.m.
Many different styles are played each week with a Board
showing how to Bingo the game!  If you don't know -- just as
anyone and they will be more than happy to share.
Bingo cards are only a penny a card -- we have the cards and chips
so there is no reason for you to not be there. 

Every Tuesdays and Thursdays we serve a great homemade lunch
from 11:00 till 1:00 -- at the Senior Center. 


Billiard tables available.  Bring your own cue stick.





History of Senior Citizen Center

Lexington Senior Center is a non-profit organization that has provided education, health screenings, nutrition, information & referral, and entertainment for seniors. Seniors may attend any function at the Center  if they are age 55 or older. The Center has served the southern part of Richland county since 1990. Feel free to call us at 419-884-1676 or stop in for more information. Located in the old train depot at 67 E. Main St, Lexington.

Hours:  Monday 8am till pm

             Tuesday 8am till 4pm

             Wednesday 8am till 2pm

             Thursday 8am till 4pm

            CLOSED FRIDAYS

            If this is an emergency and you need senior assistance on our off hours please call Village Hall at 419-884-7283.  If this is a medical emergency please call 9-1-1.  Village office hours are 7:30 to 4:pm if after hours or no answer - Please Leave Message.  Thank you.  



Events happening at the Senior Center


Bingo:  Every Tuesday & Thursday 1:00 - 4:00 in community room.


 Pool Tables are available at the Senior Center Monday through Thursday 9am till 2pm

Euchre:  Every Wednesday [except the second Wednesday THEY WILL BE MEETING SECOND TUESDAYS AT THE DEPOT INSTEAD - meet at the cabin on Plymouth Street] night at 6:pm.  

Center's library has both fiction and non-fiction books for you to borrow for as long as you need.  Library hours 9 am till 2 pm Monday through Thursday.

Lunches:  Our home-cooked lunches are served on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:am till 1:pm.  Cost is only $9.00* for meat, side dish, veggies, salad and dessert.  All ages are welcome -- we love serving our community.  Stop by and grab a menu today.  Support your seniors!



Who are we?

Lexington Senior Civic Center's Mission
The Lexington Senior Center assists Richland and surrounding counties.  As a senior center we strive to support all seniors and residents.  Our mission is to provide services, information & resources, and opportunities for every senior and the community to enrich their lives through recreational, social, and health/wellness services.  The Senior Center offers lunches Tuesdays & Thursdays that are open to the public of all ages.

Lexington Senior Civic Center's Membership
The Lexington Senior Center is a not-for-profit corporation providing health and social services to those age 55 and older located in Richland and surrounding counties.  Membership is free and open regardless of race, religion, national origin, sex, or physical handicap.  Call the director at 419-884-7283 for inquiries concerning the Center. 

Lexington Senior Civic Center's Activities
The Lexington Senior Center provides an array of social and recreational events to benefit all seniors.  Some programs include, but not limited to, trips & tours, bingo, pool tables, Euchre on Wednesday nights, home-cooked meals, and educational speakers addressing issues pertaining to the senior style of living.

Lexington Senior Civic Center is located at 67 East Main Street in Lexington, Ohio and is open Monday through Thursday from 9 am till 2 pm.  Call Paula for more information regarding the Center at 419-884-1676 and leave a message if she is not there.  The Center is available on weekends for hall rentals call for prices and/or to schedule 419-884-0765 ext. #8.