Buildings & Grounds Committee
Sub Committee of Council.
Council members serving on this committee are: Chairman Rodney Earick, Keith Bacin and Michael Benson.
Agenda for Council meetings are available on Fridays before Council meetings.
Council minutes are posted on website once they have been approved by Council .
All Boards and Commission minutes are available upon approval of that particular Board/Commission.
If you wish to read or download approved minutes that are not immediately available on the website; please contact webmaster.
Sub Committee of Council.
Council members serving on this committee are: Chairman Rodney Earick, Keith Bacin and Michael Benson.
Approved minutes from sub- committee meetings.
Councilman Keith Bacin chairs this committee. Other member of Council serving this committee are: Michael Benson and Jeff O'Brien.
Approved minutes from Records Retention Committee. Records Retention Committee meets annually on the second Thursdays in March and September at 7:30 p.m. in Council's Chambers. This committee is composed of:
Mayor White
Council President Bob Jarvis
Attorney John Studenmund
Chief troy Weaver
Village Administrator Andrew Smallstey
Approved minutes from the most recent Electronics Committee meeting.
The committee is made up of the following representatives:
Mayor White
Village Administrator Andy Smallstey
Council President Bob Jarvis
Chief Troy Weaver
IT Coordinator Bruce Baney
Mark Kline
Bob Heckathorn
Scott Yonally
Recent Safety Service Sub-Committee approved minutes.
Jeff O'Brien chairs this committee and serves with Rodney Earick and Todd Wise.
Recent approved minutes from Finance Committee meeting.
Kim Little serves as Chairman for this committee. Other committee members include Keith Bacin and Jeff O'Brien.
Approved minutes from most recent Streets and Sidewalks Sub - Committee meetings.
Council members are Chairman Michael Benson, Kim Little, and Todd Wise serve on this committee.
Minutes from most recent Public Utilities meeting.
Todd Wise serves as Chairperson for the sub-committee. Council Members Rodney Earick and Kim Little also serve on the committee.
Approved minutes from recent Planning Commission Committee meeting. Committee members are comprised of Council Members Bob Jarvis, KIm Litttle, and Mayor Brian White, along with residents Bob Matney, Mark Reisdorf, Tom Schonauer, and Christina Thompson.
Recent approved Park Board Committee minutes. Chairman of Buildings & Grounds Zack Alleshouse serves as a part of this committee. Please call 419-884-0765 ext. 8 to find out next meeting date and location.
The Charter Review Committee is comprised of members from the community and council persons. Charter Review meets every other year, starting with the odd year. Charter Review takes into consideration any and all recommendations from the public and other officials regarding the Village's Charter and a possible change. These committee meetings, as are all the other committee meetings, are open to the public.