As mentioned in the mission statement, the Lexington Police Department currently employs 15 full-time personnel, 15 part-time personnel, and an auxiliary unit that supplements coverage as needed. Part-time personnel are used to cover vacancies such as vacations, sick leave, training, and other leave of absences created by full-time employees. Our entire roster is listed below, starting with the command/administrative staff, followed by an alphabetical list of all personnel. Also listed is the current rank of each member, as well as their date of hire with our department.
Name - Rank Hired
Weaver,Troy J. - Chief of Police 06/21/1999
Neuenschwander,C. Brett - Lieutenant 05/25/2004
Ash,Lori A. - Communications 07/19/1990
Anderson,James - Patrolman/School Resource Officer
Beck,Christina D. -Sergeant 02/20/2008
Brant,Justin T. - PT Patrolman 01/26/2000
Copeland, Brad - PT Patrolman
Dankovic,Frances E. - PT Communications 10/02/1989
Davis,Michael J. - Patrolman 04/11/2006
Fagan,Rachel M. - Clerk of Court/PT Communications 09/27/2005
Frazee, Tondalea - Communications
Glennon,Chris - Patrolman/School Resource Officer
Krauss, Aleesha - Communications
Loyer,Valerie M. - PT Communications 04/07/2011
Little,Andy J. - Patrolman 04/05/1999
Lowe,Reggie E. - Aux. Patrolman 05/17/2010
Parsons,Mindy T. - PT Patrol/Communications 10/02/2007
Peters, Joe - PT Patrolman
Popp,Stanley W. - Aux. Sergeant 08/06/1985
Riggleman,Ryan - Patrolman
Robinson,Debra A. - Communications 01/08/2009
Sherman,Philip - Patrolman
Tommelleo,Louis M. - PT Patrolman 08/15/1994
VanHouten, Allie R. - Communications 08/18/2012
Van Wagner-Ault, Cindy - Communications
Wendling, Eric - Sergeant